PMC Paper
is actually a very interesting piece of technology, as well as a very fun way to use PMC.
PMC Paper is designed so that it is thin enough to cut with a scissors or an Xacto knife, punched with a hole punch, and folded like origami, but it won’t dry out or fall apart.
A local Cleveland artist I know is an origami expert, and she uses the PMC Paper to make origami jewelry.
Tips for using PMC Paper:
- Do not let the PMC Paper get wet.
- When you are drying a piece with PMC Paper on it, let it dry naturally, do not dry on a heated surface.
- You do not need slip or paste to attach PMC Paper. Just place it where you want on your piece, then place one drop of water on the PMC Paper, and it will stick.
- PMC Paper is not thick enough to stand alone as a piece. It is about one or two cards thick. It either needs to be layered on another piece of PMC or folded like origami to have enough support.
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